Our next meeting date will be Tuesday, June 21 from 6-8 PM at the Conference Room in Gainesville Health and Fitness Center's main Newberry Road location. Their front desk staff is always informed we have a meeting, so please just tell them you're there for the Gluten Intolerance Group. They've been AWESOME and so helpful, and we thank them! Meeting space at no cost to us is fabulous!!
No takers for our May meeting. We understand that schedules change, kids get sick, etc. However, we are working to bring you healthy and yummy gluten free munchies, especially since our meeting is around dinner time. Kindly let me know if you are planning on attending, AND/OR if you are not going to be able to make it. I will always check my gmail account: GIGgainesville@gmail.com up til about 5:15, and my cell is always with me : 352-215-1078.
After the June meeting, we will be spreading them out to bimonthly or perhaps quarterly, but if you are someone that is new to the gluten-free diet and you're in a panic, let me know, and we'll surely round up some support for you.
In the works: A nominal dues structure so we can take advantage of discounts around town; a summary from me of the presentations at the Education Conference June 30-July 2 (www.gluten.net for more info); I am investigating a Gluten 101 class for the newer folks and perhaps a refresher for the not-so-new. I have a growing collection of books, magazines, and cookbooks to share at each meeting. We hope you can join us in June so we can all brainstorm what we'd like to evolve into!