Sunday, May 19, 2013

JULY 18 meeting at Jason's Deli

Hi All,

Had a nice meeting in the back room at Jason's Deli this past week, with a couple of new faces joining us! Since I went when they first opened, it seems they've expanded their GF offerings. Folks ate soup, sandwiches, salads, chips, salsa, and soft serve ice cream. The room has plenty of tables as well as some comfy-looking sofas.

They seem to want to be accommodating, but it did seem necessary to inform them that gluten-free was a health issue, and then we saw them with fresh gloves, covered work surfaces, etc. They were eager to please, but not that knowledgeable. Just another example of where assertiveness is a terrific skill for someone gluten free to develop! 

We usually take the summer off, but we'll try a meeting there again on July 18 (Thurs) at 6:30. They don't charge us for the room; they just ask that we buy food! For anyone who does not wish to pay for food, we'll supply some chips and salsa (or better yet, I'll ask them if THEY will).

Having it at a location with plenty of space allows me to promote this in the paper as well, so we can better get the word out. The only thing it doesn't do is allow us to have potlucks where we bring our own food, but we'll figure that one out. When we get a hankering for our own food, we'll find  another location or plan a party! I am quite sure we could bring our own dessert without bothering Jason's Deli too much, since they don't really sell much in that regard. Anyone got a good dessert recipe?

I'll be in touch before then to our members via email. Hope to see you July 18! Feel free to email me at

Happy GF Eating,

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