Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, and LOTS of updates!

Hope everyone has a safe, tasty, gluten free Thanksgiving! If you have the internet, you're at no shortage for gluten free recipes. I'm pretty excited, having also gone mostly paleo myself. I've got what I think are going to be some awesome replications of some of my favorite dishes! Here's just one of a gazillion recipe links:

Several updates:

Don't forget about the April 4-6 Gluten Free Living conference in Orlando. Check out:   Looks like an impressive line-up of speakers!

Speaking of speakers, Alessio Fasano is speaking in Ocala in December. Scroll down a few past blog posts. Off the top of my head, I don't recall the exact date, but it's there. He's a top researcher; this is not one to miss! Good excuse to leave work a little early. :-)

The recent Gluten Summit attracted over 100,000 viewers. I have yet to carve out the time to watch any of them, but I will eventually b/c I'm dying of curiosity, and we may use some of our group time next year to watch a few together, if our group is interested. I have purchased the lifetime access package, so as long as we have internet, we can watch. There is a follow up scheduled now! I'm pasting a paragraph with a hyperlink from Dr. Tom O'Bryan:
I invite you to continue the conversation on our Facebook page, where you can:

  • Post the questions on our wall that you’d like to have me address at the “Now That You Know, Where Do You Go?” webinar scheduled for December 12-15, 2013;
  • Share your stories with others who have been through or who are going through exactly what you are experiencing;
  • Stay tuned for information about future summits and follow-up events!
SAVE THE DATE! December 12-15, 2013!
“Now That You Know, Where Do You Go?” Webinar
Now that you have the information from the summit, are you wondering what to do next? My coming webinar from December 12-15, 2013, will address that very question--stay tuned for your free invitation to attend!

Ok, now it's me again. Yet another important factoid about gluten in medications, and I'm pasting this email (with thanks!) from Jeannie Tyler, our GIG branch leader in Ocala:

Suzy Cohen's column today in the newspaper was about gluten in drugs.  She posted a large list of G-F drugs on her website @ Her list is taken from:
Both of these sites have much value but be sure to check the dates the information was posted as facts change rapidly. Don't forget to call the manufacturers if you have any questions.

 Me again. :-)  For the scientifically inclined among us, here's an interesting link about gut microbes:  (with thanks to Kerry for the find)

 Think that's enough for now, but I'll keep you posted as I learn more. Thanks to everyone for the things you send to me. I can't keep up with it all, and that's why it's so lovely to have a community.

Again, happy and safe Thanksgiving to you all!

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