Saturday, January 7, 2012

Next meeting! Thurs. Jan. 26 at 6:30

First meeting of 2012! Thanks to Linda from our group for finding out that we can use the office space at North Florida Regional at no cost. Her directions and offer to put up signs are below. Let's meet at 6:30 on Jan. 26, Thursday.

If no one objects, I'm going to use some of our group funds to get a gluten free lasagne from Napolatano's. I just happened to be there when they were testing one out, and it was FABULOUS. I still have silverware, plates, napkins, cups, etc. Someone please email me if you're willing to bring a bag of ice and some bottled water. I don't see anyone in this group who ever goes for the soda. Anyone got other beverage requests/suggestions? I'm winging it here. If you want to go all out and have a salad, someone please volunteer. This is the most restrained group of eaters I've seen in a while! :-)

PLEASE tell me if you plan to come, so I can gauge if one lasagne is enough!

I also have more samples that have been mailed to me, so there are other snacks too.

AGENDA:  Catching up, idea swapping and support for new folks (we may have a few), potential local speakers (Elisa labs, the lab in town that offers gluten test kits; field trip to Living Without Test Kitchen?; someone from grand rounds, ...???)

For this meeting, let's also bring TWO of your favorite bars (e.g., Larabars, Kind bars) and let's have a taste test. Nothing stinks worse than being out somewhere, being hungry, and not having anything to eat, so let's talk snack foods. :-)

Also, we've talked about it, but let's do it. Please come armed with a copy of your favorite 3 gluten free breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Can be as simple or complicated as you like, but let's show each other and our new folks that living gluten free does not equal deprivation! I'll work on compiling some kind of recipe book, or perhaps someone can help with that? 

As always, I have a stack of books and resources..growing regularly. 

Also, there are a few folks who don't have email and need a call. It's tough for me to have the time. Anyone willing to volunteer to make a call or two? It ends up long conversations sometimes and I can't do that x four or five people. Thanks!

The address:
Medical Arts Building at NFRMC
6400 Newberry Road
Suite 107

The Diabetes Center is located at the Medical Arts Building of North Florida Regional Medical Center.
It’s the building located just behind the pond that gets lit up at Christmas time.
There is a parking garage directly behind the Medical Arts Building (free parking).
You can park on any floor (except the physician area).
The Medical Arts building has a front door and a side door.
The side door is usually locked in the evening.

Linda will put up signs at the front door and in the lobby to direct people.

Hope to see you there! Please do let me know if you plan to make it! I'll have my cell on once I leave work, so call if you have problems (352-215-1078)


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