Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Next Meeting Sept. 12/other latest news

 Hello All,
Just in the last week or so the FDA passed the law that foods which are labeled gluten free must meet the standard of less than 20 ppm. You can read more about it at www.gluten.net, which is the website for the Gluten Intolerance Group, or commentary in lots of other places: http://blog.redapplelipstick.com/will-fda-gluten-free-labels-lead-to-misguided-trust/ 
or here: http://www.livingwithout.com/news/new-standards-gluten-free-labeling-3433-1.html?ET=livingwithout:p143890:181866a:&st=pmail  (had some trouble with hyperlinks, hope it works)

Plenty of pros, but some also perceive some cons, or that this is not quite enough...what do you think? (Personally, I think I'll keep eating paleo/whole foods and not have to worry about it that much!)

We'll be discussing this, and sharing some potluck gluten free food, at our next meeting, which is going to be at the Millhopper Library, on Sept. 12, Thursday, at 6 PM. Hope to see you there, BUT please let me know if you are coming well ahead of time, by Sept. 1. The room only holds 20, so if we go over, I'll need to find alternate space. Please RSVP at GIGgainesville@gmail.com.

Hope to see you there!

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