Link that appears to be sponsored by Udi's, with some suggestions, although if you read the comments, they remind that symptoms of being glutened are well beyond the gastrointestinal for many.... but here is the link.... timely for the holidays:
Thanks to Chris from the Gluten Free Gainesville Facebook group for posting this!
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Gluten Summit Follow up moved again/Alessio Fasano's talk
Hi All,
Pasting a blurb from Dr. Tom O'Bryan about the follow up to the recent Gluten Summit:
Pasting a blurb from Dr. Tom O'Bryan about the follow up to the recent Gluten Summit:
“Now That You Know, Where Do You
Webinar Date Change
We received 100s of emails asking us to move the webinar
after the holiday season when you have more free time to learn what to do with
the information from The Gluten Summit. And, because it is so important to your
health, we’ve agreed to give you this present after the New Year!
Thursday, January 9 - Sunday, January 12
WHERE: We’ll announce the FREE link
as we get closer to the dates!
(Ok, Janet again.....)
So, you should be able to find more info in this at, I believe.
And on a separate note, Dr. Alessio Fasano's talk last night on celiac disease and gluten sensitivity was excellent! The Institute for Human and Machine Cognition makes all of their lectures available on YouTube, so I won't bother trying to paste notes. Check it out: (may need to wait for them to update it). It was a basic overview and some very interesting stuff about future directions of the research.
Happy holidays to everyone!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Update to Gluten Summit Follow-up: NEW DATES
Hi All,
Pasting a blurb from Dr. Tom O'Bryan's email below:
Pasting a blurb from Dr. Tom O'Bryan's email below:
My sincere apology, but I know you're going to love
our event once it's ready. We'll send you an email next week with more
Meanwhile, here's a quick pre-webinar homework
Listen to this excellent 8-minute piece from
National Public Radio's Rob Stein:
Ok, now it's Janet again. While we're on the topic of save the date:
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving, and LOTS of updates!
Hope everyone has a safe, tasty, gluten free Thanksgiving! If you have the internet, you're at no shortage for gluten free recipes. I'm pretty excited, having also gone mostly paleo myself. I've got what I think are going to be some awesome replications of some of my favorite dishes! Here's just one of a gazillion recipe links: gluten-free/9-gluten-free- thanksgiving-recipes?cid=nl_ dl_weekly&&sfvc4enews=42&cl= article_4#slide-8-field_ images-217101
Several updates:
Don't forget about the April 4-6 Gluten Free Living conference in Orlando. Check out: Looks like an impressive line-up of speakers!
Speaking of speakers, Alessio Fasano is speaking in Ocala in December. Scroll down a few past blog posts. Off the top of my head, I don't recall the exact date, but it's there. He's a top researcher; this is not one to miss! Good excuse to leave work a little early. :-)
The recent Gluten Summit attracted over 100,000 viewers. I have yet to carve out the time to watch any of them, but I will eventually b/c I'm dying of curiosity, and we may use some of our group time next year to watch a few together, if our group is interested. I have purchased the lifetime access package, so as long as we have internet, we can watch. There is a follow up scheduled now! I'm pasting a paragraph with a hyperlink from Dr. Tom O'Bryan:
Me again. :-) For the scientifically inclined among us, here's an interesting link about gut microbes:
http://www. newsletter/gluten-free-diet- gut-microorganisms/ (with thanks to Kerry for the find)
Think that's enough for now, but I'll keep you posted as I learn more. Thanks to everyone for the things you send to me. I can't keep up with it all, and that's why it's so lovely to have a community.
Again, happy and safe Thanksgiving to you all!
Several updates:
Don't forget about the April 4-6 Gluten Free Living conference in Orlando. Check out: Looks like an impressive line-up of speakers!
Speaking of speakers, Alessio Fasano is speaking in Ocala in December. Scroll down a few past blog posts. Off the top of my head, I don't recall the exact date, but it's there. He's a top researcher; this is not one to miss! Good excuse to leave work a little early. :-)
The recent Gluten Summit attracted over 100,000 viewers. I have yet to carve out the time to watch any of them, but I will eventually b/c I'm dying of curiosity, and we may use some of our group time next year to watch a few together, if our group is interested. I have purchased the lifetime access package, so as long as we have internet, we can watch. There is a follow up scheduled now! I'm pasting a paragraph with a hyperlink from Dr. Tom O'Bryan:
I invite you to continue the conversation on our Facebook page, where you
- Post the questions on our wall that you’d like to have me address at the “Now That You Know, Where Do You Go?” webinar scheduled for December 12-15, 2013;
- Share your stories with others who have been through or who are going through exactly what you are experiencing;
- Stay tuned for information about future summits and follow-up events!
SAVE THE DATE! December 12-15,
“Now That You Know, Where Do You
Go?” Webinar
Now that you have the information
from the summit, are you wondering what to do next? My coming webinar from
December 12-15, 2013, will address that very question--stay tuned for your free
invitation to attend!
Ok, now it's me again. Yet another important factoid about gluten in medications, and I'm pasting this email (with thanks!) from Jeannie Tyler, our GIG branch leader in Ocala:
Suzy Cohen's column today in the newspaper was about gluten in drugs. She posted a large list of G-F drugs on her website @ Her list is taken from:
Both of these
sites have much value but be sure to check the dates the information was
posted as facts change rapidly. Don't forget to call the manufacturers
if you have any questions.
Me again. :-) For the scientifically inclined among us, here's an interesting link about gut microbes:
Think that's enough for now, but I'll keep you posted as I learn more. Thanks to everyone for the things you send to me. I can't keep up with it all, and that's why it's so lovely to have a community.
Again, happy and safe Thanksgiving to you all!
Friday, November 8, 2013
CeliAction Study
Sponsored by Alvine Pharmaceuticals....what do you think? | ||||||||||||||||||||
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Another webinar on Gluten issues
Hi All,
I can't make this one, as it's mid work-day. Can anyone? It appears to be sponsored by Good Belly Probiotics.... is the link to register, and here's what I've seen:
I can't make this one, as it's mid work-day. Can anyone? It appears to be sponsored by Good Belly Probiotics.... is the link to register, and here's what I've seen:
FREE Webinar: Get the “Inside” Scoop on Gluten-Free Digestive Health
Wed, Nov 13, 2013 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PS- The "Inside" Scoop on Gluten-Free Digestive HealthUnless you’re like the proverbial ostrich, you’ve heard all about gluten intolerance and celiac disease. But did you know the conditions are still commonly misdiagnosed because the symptoms can be so varied? An estimated 1.5 to 3 million Americans have celiac disease or other forms of wheat intolerance. Join us for a complimentary webinar giving you the "inside" scoop on gluten intolerance and the importance of having a strong gut! Pun intended : )Our featured rock star experts include:
- Dr. Shekhar Challa - board certified gastroenterologist, will share insight on the role the digestive system plays in gluten sensitivities and intolerance, and how to identify symptoms.
- Mary Schluckebier - executive director of the Celiac Sprue Association, will also offer top recommendations for making the gluten-free transition, and how to live a gluten-free life.
As a webinar attendee, you will learn:
- Symptoms of gluten intolerance and celiac disease
- Treatment, tips and resources for a gluten-free lifestyle
- The importance of digestive health for those living gluten-free
We hope you’ll join us!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Gluten's effects
Thanks to members of the Gluten Free Gainesville Facebook page, where I "borrowed" this link: about the multitude of effects gluten can have on your body; not just your gut!
On a completely irrelevant note, simply b/c I like food, tonite I sauteed some onion and a few garlic cloves in ghee in a cast iron pan, threw in a couple of big handfuls of the small bay scallops, sprinkled it with Bone Sucking Seafood Seasoning, and then sprinkled with parm, romano, and mozerella cheese, and hit the whole thing (cast iron pan) under the broiler til the cheese started to brown. Oh, MY. :-) I did eat a big salad first... lest you think I had no veggies. :-)
Until the next post!
Janet about the multitude of effects gluten can have on your body; not just your gut!
On a completely irrelevant note, simply b/c I like food, tonite I sauteed some onion and a few garlic cloves in ghee in a cast iron pan, threw in a couple of big handfuls of the small bay scallops, sprinkled it with Bone Sucking Seafood Seasoning, and then sprinkled with parm, romano, and mozerella cheese, and hit the whole thing (cast iron pan) under the broiler til the cheese started to brown. Oh, MY. :-) I did eat a big salad first... lest you think I had no veggies. :-)
Until the next post!
Friday, October 18, 2013
more on gluten free food labeling
Pasting a document from the Gluten Intolerance Group about the new food labeling laws below. Please see and contact them with any questions!
On August 2nd, 2013 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published its
regulation defining the term “gluten-free” for voluntary food labeling. The regulation
provides a uniform definition which standardizes the meaning of “gluten-free” claims
across the food industry.
Nearly 10 years ago, the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act
(FALCPA) required the labeling of the top eight allergens in food. A second and
separate part of FALCPA required the FDA to define regulations for labeling products
as gluten-free.
This gluten-free labeling regulation becomes effective on August 5, 2014. If a
product bears a gluten-free claim after that date, it is considered to have met the
FDA regulations of less than 20 ppm gluten and should be safe to eat.
Key Points of the Regulation:
Any FDA regulated product which is labeled gluten-free must comply with the
guidelines set forth in the regulation.
Definition of “gluten-free”:
The food is inherently gluten-free or does not contain an ingredient that is:
A gluten-containing grain (wheat, rye, barley or their hybrids)
Derived from a gluten-containing grain that has not been processed to
remove gluten (e.g. wheat flour), or
Derived from a gluten-containing grain that has been processed to
remove gluten (e.g., wheat starch), if the use of that ingredient results
in the presence of 20 parts per million (ppm) or more gluten in the food.
And: Any unavoidable presence of gluten in the food must be less than 20
The regulation applies to the phrases “gluten-free,” “no gluten,” “free of gluten,”
or “without gluten.” There is no logo associated with the regulation.
The labeling of foods as gluten-free is voluntary. Foods which do not bear a
“gluten-free” label may also be gluten-free.
Products complying with the regulation may also bear a 3rd party gluten-free
The issue of cross-contamination in manufacturing is addressed by virtue of the
fact that any finished product bearing a gluten-free label must contain less than
20 ppm gluten, regardless of its source.
USDA products (meat, poultry, some egg and mixed products) are not covered;
neither are TTB-regulated products (most alcohol). FDA will work with USDA and
TTB on the issue of gluten-free food labeling to harmonize the requirements for
gluten-free labeling whenever possible.
The regulation does apply to dietary supplements. The regulation does not apply
to over-the-counter or prescription medications.
The regulation applies to those imported foods which are subject to FDA
The regulation does not apply to foods served in restaurants; however restaurants
are encouraged by the FDA to follow the guidelines.
For more information go to and search “gluten-free food labeling
regulation.Saturday, September 28, 2013
Gluten Sensitivity E-Summit
Thanks SO much to Jill of our group for this awesome find! I
have registered already. It's an e-summit, where Dr. Tom O'Bryan will
interview a ton of people who are experts in the field of gluten
sensitivity and then post the interviews online for viewing over a
series of several days. TOTALLY COOL. He's got a little video intro at
the link below, and the list of interviewees is a veritable powerhouse.
Tom O'Bryan was the keynote speaker at the GIG National conference year
before last. He's passionate and knowledgeable. Hope you can all catch
this!, September 14, 2013
Gluten's effect on the body
Seems like a good little article!
Hope the link lasts:
Hope the link lasts:
good resource!
I'm always concerned about posting links, since I'm never sure how long they will work, but this was a communication from the Gluten Intolerance Group (of which I manage the local branch)a month or two ago, with a great resource. I am pasting it below:
Guide to Gluten-Free Living
GIG is pleased to announce
that we have partnered with New Hope and their Delicious Living
magazine to bring out the new Interactive Guide to Gluten-Free
This guide has all sorts of
great features and is lots of fun to go through even for people who have been on
a gluten-free diet for a long time. It contains terrific recipes, kitchen
wisdom, health information and shopping tips.
Please be sure to let your
members know that they can download their free guide at: gluten-free/guide-gluten-free- living-0
Alessio Fasano in FLORIDA!
Hi All,
This came up at our meeting the other night. There's a think tank in Ocala, and Dr. Alessio Fasano (major contributor to celiac research) will be speaking on Dec. 17!
To be notified of upcoming talks in Ocala please subscribe to the Talk list.
All talks start at 6:00 p.m. with a reception at 5:30 p.m.
Check out
I will NOT be missing this one. I already missed Dr. William Davis, the author of Wheat Belly, because I didn't know about this. I'm told the institute has a you tube channel where you can find his lecture. Ah, found it:
If you go to this institute's website, find the lecture series, the link is posted right there.
I'm grateful for the professionals willing to think outside the box, and who are in tune with the potential dangers of wheat to our health, and who are working to advance the field!
More soon, folks.
This came up at our meeting the other night. There's a think tank in Ocala, and Dr. Alessio Fasano (major contributor to celiac research) will be speaking on Dec. 17!
To be notified of upcoming talks in Ocala please subscribe to the Talk list.
All talks start at 6:00 p.m. with a reception at 5:30 p.m.
Check out
I will NOT be missing this one. I already missed Dr. William Davis, the author of Wheat Belly, because I didn't know about this. I'm told the institute has a you tube channel where you can find his lecture. Ah, found it:
If you go to this institute's website, find the lecture series, the link is posted right there.
I'm grateful for the professionals willing to think outside the box, and who are in tune with the potential dangers of wheat to our health, and who are working to advance the field!
More soon, folks.
Surprising things that may contain wheat
Not sure if the link will work forever, but here's an interesting read about wheat. blog/200-clinically-confirmed- reasons-not-eat-wheat
And, not sure if this link will be live forever either, but it's 10 surprising gluten-containing foods, which I'll summarize below in case the link goes away:
1. licorice -- usually has wheat! Potentially jelly beans too. Perhaps TMI on a public blog, but even as a kid I remember saying licorice gave me gas. Hmmmmm.
2. Flavored chips.... being gluten free means you ALWAYS read labels. I like nacho cheese doritos as a treat, but last I read the label, they had wheat!
3. Worcestershire sauce-- not all. I *think* Lea & Perrins is OK (and as yet another caveat, nothing I say here is intended to serve as medical or dietary advice!) but you must read labels. Some of these brands may use malt vinegar.
4. seasoning mixes. Again, read labels. Many may have wheat (I found some in chili powder once!)
5. Sushi- some imitation crab may have gluten, and while we're at it, soy sauce wasn't on this list, but it often contains wheat! La Choy has been OK, and San J has a yummy line of gluten free Asian sauces, and I recently discovered coconut aminos. Taste just like soy, but just a coconut product!
6. salad dressings- read labels, and watch for cross contamination issues. Bleu cheese in its purest form is started from wheat, but most commercial stuff, I've read, is started chemically. Again, NOT advice... do your homework.
7. Sausages and meatballs- often use wheat as a binder
8. Miso-- may be made from barley
9. deli meat-- Boars Head brand is gluten free, but the issue of a shared slicer has arisen... best to go to the deli counter at a very slow time so your request for it to be cleaned can be accommodated
10. meds-- always look into what the fillers are!
More soon!
And, not sure if this link will be live forever either, but it's 10 surprising gluten-containing foods, which I'll summarize below in case the link goes away:
1. licorice -- usually has wheat! Potentially jelly beans too. Perhaps TMI on a public blog, but even as a kid I remember saying licorice gave me gas. Hmmmmm.
2. Flavored chips.... being gluten free means you ALWAYS read labels. I like nacho cheese doritos as a treat, but last I read the label, they had wheat!
3. Worcestershire sauce-- not all. I *think* Lea & Perrins is OK (and as yet another caveat, nothing I say here is intended to serve as medical or dietary advice!) but you must read labels. Some of these brands may use malt vinegar.
4. seasoning mixes. Again, read labels. Many may have wheat (I found some in chili powder once!)
5. Sushi- some imitation crab may have gluten, and while we're at it, soy sauce wasn't on this list, but it often contains wheat! La Choy has been OK, and San J has a yummy line of gluten free Asian sauces, and I recently discovered coconut aminos. Taste just like soy, but just a coconut product!
6. salad dressings- read labels, and watch for cross contamination issues. Bleu cheese in its purest form is started from wheat, but most commercial stuff, I've read, is started chemically. Again, NOT advice... do your homework.
7. Sausages and meatballs- often use wheat as a binder
8. Miso-- may be made from barley
9. deli meat-- Boars Head brand is gluten free, but the issue of a shared slicer has arisen... best to go to the deli counter at a very slow time so your request for it to be cleaned can be accommodated
10. meds-- always look into what the fillers are!
More soon!
In keeping with better updates...
Here's a good resource, thanks to Jill!
I just found this search feature via someone's post on
FaceBook. The data base has over 10,000 products listed. index.php
I just found this search feature via someone's post on
FaceBook. The data base has over 10,000 products listed.
Better updates....?!
Hello everyone,
Great meeting at the library the other night, with a lot of new faces! In some discussion, I'm realizing I email things out to the group which I find that are interesting, but don't post them here, where they'd hopefully do more for the greater good! I'll try to be better about that. I'll be going through my last sets of emails to see if there's anything helpful to post here.
For starters, I'll be looking into doing a Gluten 101 class, as some of our newer folks expressed a desire to talk more often and one group is never enough to get to it all. Stay tuned..
Second, I'm pasting a news blurb I just saw about a gluten free dating site. Part of me thinks it's funny, but part of me thinks it's a great idea! You?!
More coming soon. Be well, everyone!
It's been said that "love is an attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty." For the singles of, love is an attempt to form a friendship inspired by not tolerating gluten. Launched at the end of August, the site provides a way to connect with people who avoid gluten by choice or necessity. Whether you're searching for romance and your first thought is "My ideal mate would NOT eat gluten" or you just want a meaningful friendship based on complaining about your digestive system, you can start a free membership and find that special someone who won't judge you for grilling the waitress about your dinner order on the first date
Great meeting at the library the other night, with a lot of new faces! In some discussion, I'm realizing I email things out to the group which I find that are interesting, but don't post them here, where they'd hopefully do more for the greater good! I'll try to be better about that. I'll be going through my last sets of emails to see if there's anything helpful to post here.
For starters, I'll be looking into doing a Gluten 101 class, as some of our newer folks expressed a desire to talk more often and one group is never enough to get to it all. Stay tuned..
Second, I'm pasting a news blurb I just saw about a gluten free dating site. Part of me thinks it's funny, but part of me thinks it's a great idea! You?!
More coming soon. Be well, everyone!
It's been said that "love is an attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty." For the singles of, love is an attempt to form a friendship inspired by not tolerating gluten. Launched at the end of August, the site provides a way to connect with people who avoid gluten by choice or necessity. Whether you're searching for romance and your first thought is "My ideal mate would NOT eat gluten" or you just want a meaningful friendship based on complaining about your digestive system, you can start a free membership and find that special someone who won't judge you for grilling the waitress about your dinner order on the first date
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Next Meeting Sept. 12/other latest news
Hello All,
Just in the last week or so the FDA passed the law that foods which are labeled gluten free must meet the standard of less than 20 ppm. You can read more about it at, which is the website for the Gluten Intolerance Group, or commentary in lots of other places:
or here: (had some trouble with hyperlinks, hope it works)
Plenty of pros, but some also perceive some cons, or that this is not quite enough...what do you think? (Personally, I think I'll keep eating paleo/whole foods and not have to worry about it that much!)
We'll be discussing this, and sharing some potluck gluten free food, at our next meeting, which is going to be at the Millhopper Library, on Sept. 12, Thursday, at 6 PM. Hope to see you there, BUT please let me know if you are coming well ahead of time, by Sept. 1. The room only holds 20, so if we go over, I'll need to find alternate space. Please RSVP at
Hope to see you there!
Just in the last week or so the FDA passed the law that foods which are labeled gluten free must meet the standard of less than 20 ppm. You can read more about it at, which is the website for the Gluten Intolerance Group, or commentary in lots of other places:
or here: (had some trouble with hyperlinks, hope it works)
Plenty of pros, but some also perceive some cons, or that this is not quite enough...what do you think? (Personally, I think I'll keep eating paleo/whole foods and not have to worry about it that much!)
We'll be discussing this, and sharing some potluck gluten free food, at our next meeting, which is going to be at the Millhopper Library, on Sept. 12, Thursday, at 6 PM. Hope to see you there, BUT please let me know if you are coming well ahead of time, by Sept. 1. The room only holds 20, so if we go over, I'll need to find alternate space. Please RSVP at
Hope to see you there!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
July 18 meeting, part 2
Ahem. Forgot to mention in previous post that at our July 18 meeting, let's make this a "share your own homemade gluten free concoction." Whether it's a total invention of your own, a modification of a GF recipe or a new twist on a glutenized recipe, let's share our favorites with the group. It can be a dessert, main dish, smoothie...whatever. What have you "made up" that is yummy?
And, also forgot to mention that Earth Origins is now attempting to label gluten free items with a green tag. How cool is that? Caveat emptor, of course, and I'd read the label regardless, but what a terrific effort to accommodate!
Ok, now I'm done. If you're starting at the top, please see prior post. :-)
And, also forgot to mention that Earth Origins is now attempting to label gluten free items with a green tag. How cool is that? Caveat emptor, of course, and I'd read the label regardless, but what a terrific effort to accommodate!
Ok, now I'm done. If you're starting at the top, please see prior post. :-)
JULY 18 meeting at Jason's Deli
Hi All,
Had a nice meeting in the back room at Jason's Deli this past week, with a couple of new faces joining us! Since I went when they first opened, it seems they've expanded their GF offerings. Folks ate soup, sandwiches, salads, chips, salsa, and soft serve ice cream. The room has plenty of tables as well as some comfy-looking sofas.
They seem to want to be accommodating, but it did seem necessary to inform them that gluten-free was a health issue, and then we saw them with fresh gloves, covered work surfaces, etc. They were eager to please, but not that knowledgeable. Just another example of where assertiveness is a terrific skill for someone gluten free to develop!
We usually take the summer off, but we'll try a meeting there again on July 18 (Thurs) at 6:30. They don't charge us for the room; they just ask that we buy food! For anyone who does not wish to pay for food, we'll supply some chips and salsa (or better yet, I'll ask them if THEY will).
Having it at a location with plenty of space allows me to promote this in the paper as well, so we can better get the word out. The only thing it doesn't do is allow us to have potlucks where we bring our own food, but we'll figure that one out. When we get a hankering for our own food, we'll find another location or plan a party! I am quite sure we could bring our own dessert without bothering Jason's Deli too much, since they don't really sell much in that regard. Anyone got a good dessert recipe?
I'll be in touch before then to our members via email. Hope to see you July 18! Feel free to email me at
Happy GF Eating,
Had a nice meeting in the back room at Jason's Deli this past week, with a couple of new faces joining us! Since I went when they first opened, it seems they've expanded their GF offerings. Folks ate soup, sandwiches, salads, chips, salsa, and soft serve ice cream. The room has plenty of tables as well as some comfy-looking sofas.
They seem to want to be accommodating, but it did seem necessary to inform them that gluten-free was a health issue, and then we saw them with fresh gloves, covered work surfaces, etc. They were eager to please, but not that knowledgeable. Just another example of where assertiveness is a terrific skill for someone gluten free to develop!
We usually take the summer off, but we'll try a meeting there again on July 18 (Thurs) at 6:30. They don't charge us for the room; they just ask that we buy food! For anyone who does not wish to pay for food, we'll supply some chips and salsa (or better yet, I'll ask them if THEY will).
Having it at a location with plenty of space allows me to promote this in the paper as well, so we can better get the word out. The only thing it doesn't do is allow us to have potlucks where we bring our own food, but we'll figure that one out. When we get a hankering for our own food, we'll find another location or plan a party! I am quite sure we could bring our own dessert without bothering Jason's Deli too much, since they don't really sell much in that regard. Anyone got a good dessert recipe?
I'll be in touch before then to our members via email. Hope to see you July 18! Feel free to email me at
Happy GF Eating,
Sunday, April 21, 2013
April 18 Gluten Free Shopping summary
Hi Folks,
Our # 1 topic by survey feedback was gluten free shopping, so I'll do my best here to summarize what we kicked around. Please note we'll meet again for dinner at Jason's Deli on Thurs. May 16 at 6:30 PM so we can continue this discussion if desired. I do need to know if you're coming, as they've asked for a headcount.
Here goes, in no particular order or organization! :-)
Super WalMart off 441 has a gluten free section with prices cheaper than most.
Rice pasta is often cheaper at Asian markets (which are interesting in and of themselves)
Green Polka Dot Box is a membership based club... but we aren't clear on details
Vitacost is mentioned a lot, but no one is sure what it is.
Some feel that online prices are cheaper but that shipping cancels the savings. Others said that has free shipping if you're a Prime Member (about $75 a year?). There are some other non-food bennies with this. May have to order in bulk. They will do auto-ship. It will tell you what's free shipping or not so you can make informed purchases.
Pasta.... every single one of us had a different favorite, so there's really some subjectivity here and it's trial and error. Fresh market has carried Jovial. Publix has carried Ancient Harvest quinoa/corn blend. Lots of varieties, and consensus was just work your way thru them and take notes so you find your favorites. Someone liked Sam Mills Pasta D'oro but had only found it in High Springs. Dellalo brown rice pasta noted as good, but also only seen at Winn Dixie in High Springs. I just saw an ad in Paleo magazine for pasta made from almond flour so it's less high-carb. I'm blanking on the co. name but if you Google "almond flour pasta," I bet you'll find it.
GF wraps do exist. Publix on 39th has sold Don Pancho brand.Food for Life brown rice tortillas noted as OK. Schar breadsticks were voted very good. Hokam ? rice sticks noted as good.
Highly recommended to subscribe to all the gluten free magazines. Aside from recipes and the latest research/news, the ads are also very informative, as these companies are all working to perfect their formulas, out-perform the others, and DO advertise. Try Delight Gluten Free, Living Without, and Gluten Free Living.
Chex and Rice Krispies noted as good gluten free cereals. Be sure you're getting the ones that are gluten free, though. Betty Crocker got good reviews for good GF baking mixes, as did GF Bisquick and stuff from Gluten Free Pantry. Unfortunately, stores are so inconsistent that it really takes shopping around and trying out new stuff.
Breads...also a variety of opinions. Udi's seems to be getting better. Canyon Bakehouse got good reviews, can definitely be bought online, but someone found at Earth Origins. We did agree you can ask store managers to carry your favorite brands. Apparently Jason's Deli will sell a large, fluffy loaf of Udi's, not the small sizes that we buy in the store!
NO SAMI's bread, due to cross-contamination issues. Deland Bakery now has a dedicated gluten free facility but not sure how to get it, as last I heard a personal order had to be in bulk.
We all agree don't buy a bunch of specialty gluten free flour unless you're a baker, having all made that mistake and then given it away or tossed it. One good bag of gluten free baking flour mix will usually do it, and if you prefer, a bag of coconut and/or almond flour for something a little less in the high-carb range.
Amy's frozen stuff noted as pretty good.
TJ Maxx and BigLots actually carry some GF stuff. Sweet Bay on 441 is noted to be catching on. Wards, Earth Origins ,and the downtown coop great places, of course.
Ladies and gentlemen, that was all we covered. Much more to share, I'm sure, so please join us for our Summer kick-off dinner at Jason's Deli on May 16.
Til then,
Our # 1 topic by survey feedback was gluten free shopping, so I'll do my best here to summarize what we kicked around. Please note we'll meet again for dinner at Jason's Deli on Thurs. May 16 at 6:30 PM so we can continue this discussion if desired. I do need to know if you're coming, as they've asked for a headcount.
Here goes, in no particular order or organization! :-)
Super WalMart off 441 has a gluten free section with prices cheaper than most.
Rice pasta is often cheaper at Asian markets (which are interesting in and of themselves)
Green Polka Dot Box is a membership based club... but we aren't clear on details
Vitacost is mentioned a lot, but no one is sure what it is.
Some feel that online prices are cheaper but that shipping cancels the savings. Others said that has free shipping if you're a Prime Member (about $75 a year?). There are some other non-food bennies with this. May have to order in bulk. They will do auto-ship. It will tell you what's free shipping or not so you can make informed purchases.
Pasta.... every single one of us had a different favorite, so there's really some subjectivity here and it's trial and error. Fresh market has carried Jovial. Publix has carried Ancient Harvest quinoa/corn blend. Lots of varieties, and consensus was just work your way thru them and take notes so you find your favorites. Someone liked Sam Mills Pasta D'oro but had only found it in High Springs. Dellalo brown rice pasta noted as good, but also only seen at Winn Dixie in High Springs. I just saw an ad in Paleo magazine for pasta made from almond flour so it's less high-carb. I'm blanking on the co. name but if you Google "almond flour pasta," I bet you'll find it.
GF wraps do exist. Publix on 39th has sold Don Pancho brand.Food for Life brown rice tortillas noted as OK. Schar breadsticks were voted very good. Hokam ? rice sticks noted as good.
Highly recommended to subscribe to all the gluten free magazines. Aside from recipes and the latest research/news, the ads are also very informative, as these companies are all working to perfect their formulas, out-perform the others, and DO advertise. Try Delight Gluten Free, Living Without, and Gluten Free Living.
Chex and Rice Krispies noted as good gluten free cereals. Be sure you're getting the ones that are gluten free, though. Betty Crocker got good reviews for good GF baking mixes, as did GF Bisquick and stuff from Gluten Free Pantry. Unfortunately, stores are so inconsistent that it really takes shopping around and trying out new stuff.
Breads...also a variety of opinions. Udi's seems to be getting better. Canyon Bakehouse got good reviews, can definitely be bought online, but someone found at Earth Origins. We did agree you can ask store managers to carry your favorite brands. Apparently Jason's Deli will sell a large, fluffy loaf of Udi's, not the small sizes that we buy in the store!
NO SAMI's bread, due to cross-contamination issues. Deland Bakery now has a dedicated gluten free facility but not sure how to get it, as last I heard a personal order had to be in bulk.
We all agree don't buy a bunch of specialty gluten free flour unless you're a baker, having all made that mistake and then given it away or tossed it. One good bag of gluten free baking flour mix will usually do it, and if you prefer, a bag of coconut and/or almond flour for something a little less in the high-carb range.
Amy's frozen stuff noted as pretty good.
TJ Maxx and BigLots actually carry some GF stuff. Sweet Bay on 441 is noted to be catching on. Wards, Earth Origins ,and the downtown coop great places, of course.
Ladies and gentlemen, that was all we covered. Much more to share, I'm sure, so please join us for our Summer kick-off dinner at Jason's Deli on May 16.
Til then,
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Blue Gill dinner, and April 18 next meeting
Hi Everyone,
Highly recommend Blue Gill restaurant by Shands on the ground floor under the parking garage on 13th. Everyone seemed to enjoy the dinner our group shared last week, and there's a pretty big variety of beef, fish, pork, duck, chicken options. Plenty of veggies, and they were quite patient and accommodating with regard to our questions, as there were quite a few of them. :-)
Our next meeting will be Thurs. April 18 in the Medical Arts Building behind the pond at North Florida Regional. We do have a limited amount of space where we meet, so if you would like to come, I really need to know by about April 10 or so, b/c if we need to book an alternate location, I'll need some time! Our topic, by popular vote, will be gluten free shopping-- local vs internet, favorite products, etc. We're now seeking each other's input about the specifics of what this meeting should entail... taste tests? Samples to take home? etc....
More to follow! Please rsvp at so I can keep at least an approximate head count.
Thanks all!
Highly recommend Blue Gill restaurant by Shands on the ground floor under the parking garage on 13th. Everyone seemed to enjoy the dinner our group shared last week, and there's a pretty big variety of beef, fish, pork, duck, chicken options. Plenty of veggies, and they were quite patient and accommodating with regard to our questions, as there were quite a few of them. :-)
Our next meeting will be Thurs. April 18 in the Medical Arts Building behind the pond at North Florida Regional. We do have a limited amount of space where we meet, so if you would like to come, I really need to know by about April 10 or so, b/c if we need to book an alternate location, I'll need some time! Our topic, by popular vote, will be gluten free shopping-- local vs internet, favorite products, etc. We're now seeking each other's input about the specifics of what this meeting should entail... taste tests? Samples to take home? etc....
More to follow! Please rsvp at so I can keep at least an approximate head count.
Thanks all!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Next meeting April 18 at 6:30
Hi Folks,
Had a lovely meeting tonite where we shared some bunless burgers from Blue Gill, some home meade brownies, and homemade soup. We talked a bit about Dr. William Davis and how he's an outspoken figure in the world of those who are wheat-free, and we swapped ideas about our own ongoing health issues related to gluten. We are all working on surveys to tally up the most popular ideas for future meetings, and next meeting is scheduled for April 18 at 6:30, again in the Medical Arts Building. Agenda to be determined. We'll plan for a social dinner somewhere in between, probably at Blue Gill, which is getting high marks for taste and awareness of our issues! Stay tuned. If you've got a particular topic you'd like to see covered at a meeting, please let me know at
Many thanks again to Linda for staying late and hosting us, setting up video which turns out we didn't use, and for all of our attendees who lugged stuff in for all to share.
More soon!
Had a lovely meeting tonite where we shared some bunless burgers from Blue Gill, some home meade brownies, and homemade soup. We talked a bit about Dr. William Davis and how he's an outspoken figure in the world of those who are wheat-free, and we swapped ideas about our own ongoing health issues related to gluten. We are all working on surveys to tally up the most popular ideas for future meetings, and next meeting is scheduled for April 18 at 6:30, again in the Medical Arts Building. Agenda to be determined. We'll plan for a social dinner somewhere in between, probably at Blue Gill, which is getting high marks for taste and awareness of our issues! Stay tuned. If you've got a particular topic you'd like to see covered at a meeting, please let me know at
Many thanks again to Linda for staying late and hosting us, setting up video which turns out we didn't use, and for all of our attendees who lugged stuff in for all to share.
More soon!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Meeting reminder/New Favorite Websites
So, please remember our Feb. 21 meeting. We'll be watching an interview of Dr. William Davis, but even if you've seen it, please come, as we can also chat about his Wheat Belly book. Also, I've got some other items on the agenda, having found some new energy for 2013 to help get the word out for our group! But I need your help and attendance.
My new favorite websites: Mark's Daily Apple and NomNom Paleo. These are not entirely for you if you're a vegetarian, but there are recipe banks GALORE and you'll not find a single one with gluten. For about the last month or so, I've been eating paleo-- no grains, no sugar, no beans, and no dairy. I must say, with a little bit of research and exploration, this is NOT limiting, and I've been eating like a queen-- some really flavorful foods!
Someone suggested that we have a group (or two) to talk about our favorite healthy living book or gluten free book, and why we like it. I'll talk paleo! I'm not sure I'm ever going back. I just feel great, and did I mention I gave away half my pants b/c I've lost 7-8 lbs? :-) And I am NEVER hungry.
But, since this is a blog for the Gluten Intolerance Group, I'll encourage everyone to check out the websites b/c the recipes are all gluten free and there's a huge section on each for vegetarian recipes as well.
Hope to see you soon!
My new favorite websites: Mark's Daily Apple and NomNom Paleo. These are not entirely for you if you're a vegetarian, but there are recipe banks GALORE and you'll not find a single one with gluten. For about the last month or so, I've been eating paleo-- no grains, no sugar, no beans, and no dairy. I must say, with a little bit of research and exploration, this is NOT limiting, and I've been eating like a queen-- some really flavorful foods!
Someone suggested that we have a group (or two) to talk about our favorite healthy living book or gluten free book, and why we like it. I'll talk paleo! I'm not sure I'm ever going back. I just feel great, and did I mention I gave away half my pants b/c I've lost 7-8 lbs? :-) And I am NEVER hungry.
But, since this is a blog for the Gluten Intolerance Group, I'll encourage everyone to check out the websites b/c the recipes are all gluten free and there's a huge section on each for vegetarian recipes as well.
Hope to see you soon!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Feb. 21 meeting at 6:30
Happy New Year Everyone! Am pasting below the email I just sent to our group (with a few edits), so you're up to date.
Hi All,
Happy New Year! I am about to chat with Cynthia Kupper to get a few questions answered to be sure we are in compliance with what GIG National needs to maintain its 501(c)(3) status. I've been assured that as a smaller group, we should be OK!
Very excited to announce our Feb. 21 meeting, Thurs., at 6:30 PM. We will again be meeting at Linda Armada's office in the Medical Arts Building behind the pond at N Florida Regional. Park in the garage behind the building, and we're on the first floor. Plenty of signs to guide you. We will be watching (listening) to a youtube interview of Dr. William Davis, who wrote Wheat Belly, which I finally got around to finishing. Wow. Good stuff! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE COMING by Feb. 14. Our space is limited so need to be sure we can accommodate. Many thanks to Linda, who is not only extending her work day to accommodate us, but also doing a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure we've got the technology we need.
We agreed a while ago that making our meetings a potluck was a lot of work, unless we've specifically planned it to be an eat-fest. If you can, please bring a small something to share. I'll be bringing something a little more healthy (not sure what yet), so we don't have all cookies, but bring what inspires you. Or just bring yourself. No worries. If it's something you've prepared yourself, please bring a list of ingredients, or if it's pre-packaged food, please bring the label. We've been kind of lax about this, but it's good policy!
Have some interesting topics we're kicking around, and are probably looking at another meeting in April, then we'll skip the summer, and shoot for Sept. and early Nov. again. But we'll try to have some dinners in between, like we have been. I am also thinking of some ways you can all help promote our group. We don't want to become too huge, but on the other hand, we need to get the word out that we're here as a resource. The GIG has sent out some notes on how best to promote the group. This may be something I can delegate to you all who are able to help. I am working very hard to reclaim some of my life so that I can do a better job as our leader... so far with a decent amount of success (though it's been 3 weeks, ha!) but I remain passionate about support for those who need or want it, and maintaining a sense of community among those who have to eat gluten free.
So, hope to see you all on Feb. 21. PLEASE let me know if you're coming.
Lastly, hope this link works. I saw Sara Vollmer present informally at the GIG National Conference year before last. She's hilarious, but these slides were OUTSTANDING:
Hi All,
Happy New Year! I am about to chat with Cynthia Kupper to get a few questions answered to be sure we are in compliance with what GIG National needs to maintain its 501(c)(3) status. I've been assured that as a smaller group, we should be OK!
Very excited to announce our Feb. 21 meeting, Thurs., at 6:30 PM. We will again be meeting at Linda Armada's office in the Medical Arts Building behind the pond at N Florida Regional. Park in the garage behind the building, and we're on the first floor. Plenty of signs to guide you. We will be watching (listening) to a youtube interview of Dr. William Davis, who wrote Wheat Belly, which I finally got around to finishing. Wow. Good stuff! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE COMING by Feb. 14. Our space is limited so need to be sure we can accommodate. Many thanks to Linda, who is not only extending her work day to accommodate us, but also doing a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure we've got the technology we need.
We agreed a while ago that making our meetings a potluck was a lot of work, unless we've specifically planned it to be an eat-fest. If you can, please bring a small something to share. I'll be bringing something a little more healthy (not sure what yet), so we don't have all cookies, but bring what inspires you. Or just bring yourself. No worries. If it's something you've prepared yourself, please bring a list of ingredients, or if it's pre-packaged food, please bring the label. We've been kind of lax about this, but it's good policy!
Have some interesting topics we're kicking around, and are probably looking at another meeting in April, then we'll skip the summer, and shoot for Sept. and early Nov. again. But we'll try to have some dinners in between, like we have been. I am also thinking of some ways you can all help promote our group. We don't want to become too huge, but on the other hand, we need to get the word out that we're here as a resource. The GIG has sent out some notes on how best to promote the group. This may be something I can delegate to you all who are able to help. I am working very hard to reclaim some of my life so that I can do a better job as our leader... so far with a decent amount of success (though it's been 3 weeks, ha!) but I remain passionate about support for those who need or want it, and maintaining a sense of community among those who have to eat gluten free.
So, hope to see you all on Feb. 21. PLEASE let me know if you're coming.
Lastly, hope this link works. I saw Sara Vollmer present informally at the GIG National Conference year before last. She's hilarious, but these slides were OUTSTANDING:
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